In the Company of Many Good Poets. Collected Papers of Franco Montanari: Vol. I: Ancient ScholarshipWalter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 24 באוק׳ 2023 - 940 עמודים Volume I of Franco Montanari's "Kleine Schriften" comprises some 66 papers on ancient scholarship, a topic which he decisively helped establishing as an extremely important field of study; they include general surveys of Alexandrian and Pergamene philology, major contributions to ancient Homeric scholarship (with a particular emphasis on Aristarchus), ancient scholarship on Hesiod and Aeschylus, as well as an important number of editions and notes on papyrological scholarly texts. Volume II consists of 42 contributions to Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, Pindar, Aeschylus, Herodotus, Euripides, the Athenaion Politeia, Lucian, Nonnus, philosophical papyri, the reception of antiquity and portraits of contemporary scholars. |
The Grammarian Ptolemaeus Pindarion the Homeric Poems | |
frammento di hypotheseis dellIliade | |
on Papyrus | |
Ancient Homeric Philology as Attested in the Papyri | |
Aristarchus in the DScholia to the Iliad | |
The Wrong Verses of Homer and Ancient Philology | |
Antichi commenti a Omero Alcune riflessioni | |
Ripensamenti di Aristarco sul testo omerico e il problema della | |
Justin Rainey | |
Rachel Barritt Costa | |
A Product of the Ancient Scholarship | |
Rachel Barritt Costa | |
Remarks on the Citations of Authors and Works in Ancient | |
qualche appunto | |
centri di cultura in età ellenistica | |
Filologia ed erudizione antica | |
Glossario parafrasi edizione commentata nei papiri | |
Citazioni dautore | |
P Fay 312 with M Haslam | |
P Oxy 3832 | |
Ancora sul Mythographus Homericus e lOdissea | |
Rachel Barritt Glenn W Most | |
Rachel Barritt Costa | |
Fausto Montana Davide Muratore Lara Pagani | |
The new edition | |
Omero Eubulo i pesci e i chorizontes | |
Una glossa omerica prealessandrina? Sch II XVI 235 Eubulo | |
A Case Study in Ancient Homeric | |
On the Hypotheseis to Odyssey ẞ and y in P Oxy 3160 + P Strasb | |
Discussioni su Οlimpo nella filologia omerica antica e il | |
La filologia omerica antica e la storia del testo omerico | |
Rachel Barritt Glenn Most | |
Scholia minora | |
Themes Problems and Perspectives | |
Inventory of Papyri Containing Mythographic Iotopía Related | |
Od 1 328335 and Dicaearchus | |
Rachel Costa | |
Rachel Barritt Costa | |
Osservazioni sul Commentario a Pindaro P Oxy LXXIX 5201 | |
Citazioni di Pindaro negli scoli omerici | |
Alcuni passi di Eustazio e il Prometeo di Eschilo | |
Aristotele Zenodoto Aristarco e il serpente pietrificato di Iliade II | |
Demetrius of Phalerum on Literature | |
Rachel Barritt | |
Un nuovo frammento di commentario a Callimaco | |
Callimaco e la filologia | |
Satiro in P Oxy 2506 fr 26 II? | |
Iperide e Cratino in due Glosse dellAntiatticista | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
abbiamo Alessandria alessandrini Alexandrian philologists almeno altri ancient ancora antica Aristarchus Aristarco Aristofane Aristonicus Aristophanes Aristophanes of Byzantium Aristotle athetesis Callimachus caso certo citation citazioni commentary commento copy critical D-Scholia Demetrius Demetrius of Phalerum Didimo Didymus Dionysius Thrax edition ekdosis Erbse erudite Eschilo Euripide exegetical exemplar fatto filologia fragments frammenti grammarians Hellenistic Hesiod Homeric text hypomnema hypomnemata hypothesis Iliad interpretation invece lavoro manuscripts materiale modo molto Montanari Nickau obelos Odyssey omerico Omero P.Oxy papiro papyrus passo Pfeiffer philologists philology poetry poets primo problem proposito punto può quale Rengakos scholarship scholia scholion scholium scoli secondo sembra solo stato storia testimonianza testo textual tradition tradizione tutto variants verso volume Zenodotus γὰρ δὲ διὰ διόρθωσις εἰς ἐν ἐπὶ καὶ κατὰ μὲν μὴ οἱ ὅτι οὐ παρὰ περὶ τὰ τε τῇ τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῖς τὸν τοῦ τοὺς τῷ τῶν ὡς