Jonathan Edwards’s Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: A CasebookDesigned specifically for the classroom, this volume presents the accurate and definitive version of "Sinners," accompanied by the tools necessary to study and teach this famous American sermon. With an introduction aimed at students and teachers and commentary that draws on fifty years of team editorial experience of Yale's "Works of Jonathan Edwards," it provides both context and interpretation, and addresses the concerns and questions of a twenty-first century audience.The book contains questions for in-class discussion, a chronology of Edwards's life, and a glossary. In addition, curricular materials and video mini-presentations are available on a dedicated Web site. This casebook represents a innovative contribution to the art of teaching Edwards to a new generation of readers. |
1 | |
A Theological Primer Caleb J D Maskell 17 | 33 |
Companion Texts by Edwards | 51 |
Eleazar Wheelocks Pastoral Letter About the Preaching of Sinners | 125 |
Interpretations | 131 |
Parrington on the Tragedy of Edwards 1927 | 151 |
Edwin H Cady The Artistry of Jonathan Edwards 1949 | 157 |
Billy Graham RePreaches Sinners 1949 | 165 |
Two Views of the Toronto Blessing and Edwardss Place in | 172 |
Marilynne Robinson Credo 2008 | 180 |
Chronology of Edwardss Life | 183 |
Original Sources for Texts | 199 |
Other editions - View all
Jonathan Edwards's "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God": A Casebook Jonathan Edwards Limited preview - 2009 |
Common terms and phrases
Adam and Eve American Angry appeared Awakening Billy Graham century Christian church Concerning Congregational minister Connecticut Connecticut River conversion covenant of grace covenant of redemption created creation Creator damnation death Discourses divine doctrine dreadful Edwards believed Edwards preached Edwards's Edwards's theology elect Enfield England eternal evangelical excellency existence experience fierceness fire George Whitefield Gilbert Tennent glory God's Hands Hank Hanegraaff hear hearers heart heaven holy human ideas images infinite Jesus Christ Jonathan Edwards justice Kimnach light live Marilynne Robinson Massachusetts mercy mind misery nature never Northampton Original Sin pastor persons pleasure pray prayer preachers preaching of Sinners punishment Puritans reason Redeemer religion rhetoric salvation seemed sense sinful Solomon Stoddard soul sovereignty spider Spirit Stoddard Suffield sweet theologian theological things thought tion torments Toronto Blessing town Trinity truth unconverted Wheelock Whitefield wicked wonderful words wrath Yale University Yale University Press