Julius CaesarCassell and Company, 1902 - 112 pages Arena Stage, 25th Anniversary Season presents Zelda Fichandler, producing director, Thomas C. Fichandler, executive director "Julius Caesar," by William Shakespeare, directed by Carl Weber, setting by Ming Cho Lee, costumes by Marjorie Slaiman, lighting by William Mintzer, music composer Alan Laing, technical director Henry R. Gorfein, associate producer George Touliatos. |
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Alarum ARTEMIDORUS battle bear blood body brother Brutus and Cassius Cęs Caius called Calphurnia Capitol Casca Cato cause CESAR Cicero Cinna Clitus conspiracie conspirators conspiratours crown danger death Decius Brutus dost doth enemies euery Exeunt Exit fear Feast of Lupercal fire follow friends funeral gaue give gods gowne grief hand hast hath haue hauing hear heart honour ides of March Julius Cęsar kill Lepidus Ligarius look lord Lucilius Lucius Marcus Brutus Mark Antony market place maruellous matter Messala Metellus Cimber mind murther neuer night noble Brutus Octavius ouer Peace Philippi Pindarus plucked PLUTARCH Pompey Portia Prętors Publius Re-enter Roman Rome SCENE Senate Shakespeare shouted Soothsayer speak spirit stand stay sword tell thee themselues things thou art thought Titinius to-day traitors Trebonius unto vnto Volumnius vpon wife word wrong