Kashmir Under the SultansAakar Books, 30/12/2005 - 352 من الصفحات Professor Mohibbul Hasan S Kashmir Under The Sultans Has An Intrinsic Merit Of Lucidly Introducing A Reader To A Subject That Begins With The Foundation Of The Sultanate And Ends With The Conquest Of Kashmir By Akbar. Its Chief Merit Lies In Encapsulating Such Political, Social, Economic And Cultural Activities Of The Period That Exercised An Indelible Influence On The Valley. During The Sultanate Period, As Professor Hasan Observes, Kashmir Had Achieved A High Standard Of Culture, But With The Disappearance Of Her Independence Her Culture Gradually Declined. Srinagar Was Denuded Of Poets, Painters, And Scholars, Who Had Once Adorned The Courts Of The Sultans, Because, Owing To The Absence Of Local Patronage, They Were Compelled To Leave The Valley And Seek Their Livelihood Elsewhere. They Entered The Service Of The Mughal Emperors, And Added To The Brilliance Of The Court, Thereby Percipitating Kashmir S Cultural Impoverishment.Professor Mohibbul Hasan Offers Useful Insights Into Kashmir S Political And Cultural Currents And Cross-Currents. This Book Is Therefore Of Considerable Value To Social Historians. |
Introduction by Muhammad Ishaq Khan χυ | 1 |
The Geography of Kashmir | 18 |
The Foundation of the Sultanate | 29 |
Sultan ShamsudDin and his Successors | 50 |
ZainulĀbidīn the Great | 78 |
Dynastic Troubles and Rebellions | 106 |
Mīrzā Haidar Dughlat and his Conquest | 137 |
End of the Shāh Mīr Dynasty and | 158 |
Fall of the Sultanate | 197 |
The Administrative System | 210 |
Social and Economic Conditions | 236 |
Cultural Activities | 274 |
Conclusion | 298 |
Appendices | 309 |
Bibliography | 328 |
339 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abdāl Adham Ahmad Akbar Alī Shāh army attack Bābā Bahadur Bahrām Bārāmūla became Brahmans chiefs coins Daulat Chak death defeated entered Kashmir Fath Shāh Firishta Fīrūz fled Ghāzī Haidar Chak Hājī Hasan Herāt Hindu Hirapūr history of Kashmir Husain Shāh Ibid Ibrāhīm India invasion Islām Ismā'īl jāgīr Jahāngīr Jammu Jehlam Jizya Jonar Jonarāja Kājī Chak Kamrāj Kashmīrī Khān Khwāja kingdom Kishtwār Ladakh Lahore Lohar Māgre Mirzā Mīrzā Haidar Mubarak Mughals Muhammad Shāh Mullā Munich Mūsā Muslim Naushahrā Nāzuk Shāh Nūrbakhshīya owing pargana Persian Persian chronicles Pīr Qarā Qāsim Khān Qāzī Rājā Rajaurī Rēgī reign Rinchana Rishī route ruler Sanskrit says Sayyid Alī Sayyid Muhammad sent Shah Shāh Mīr Shāh's Shaikh Shams Chak Shamsu'd-Din Sharī'a Shēr Shi'ite Shihābu'd-Din Shupiyan Sikandar Sõpūr Srīnagar Śrīv Śrīvara Stein Şūfi Śuka Sultan Sultanate period Sunnī Tāzī throne Turkistān Ulamā Valley village Wazīr Yaʻqūb Yūsuf Khān Yūsuf Shāh Zainu'l-ʻĀbidīn Zuljū