Legislative Document, Volume 8,Masalah 32J.B. Lyon Company, 1934 |
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00 Assistant 00 Instructor 00 Junior 00 Net total 00 OTHER MAINTENANCE 00 Total 1934-1935 Immediately available administration Allowed by Governor Amount appropriated appropriation PERSONAL SERVICE Appropriations 1933-1934 Fiscal assistant physician Assistant stenographer Assistant typist Automobile building equipment Carpenter charges and contributions Chauffeur Chief Classification by object county highways Director Electrical exceed Fire apparatus Fixed charges following schedule foreman Governor Appropriations 1933-1934 grade grounds and walks Head of department helper highways Immediately available Change Junior clerk Junior typist labor laboratory Laundry Less anticipated savings mail and supply MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Maintenance undistributed Medical and surgical Miscellaneous nurse object PERSONAL SERVICE occupational therapist Park position or Classification power and water Printing and advertising regents examiner Repairs and alterations salary reductions savings and salary Senior account clerk serial bonds Special Superintendent supplies and materials Surety bonds Temporary service Tinsmithing Title of appropriation Title of position Total of schedule total other maintenance