Mastery Learning: Theory and Practice |
Affective Consequences of School Achievement | 13 |
Problems of Measurement Related to | 29 |
Operating Procedures for Mastery Learning | 64 |
Copyright | |
3 other sections not shown
Common terms and phrases
ability to understand academic academic games achievement test Airasian amount anagrams aptitudes arithmetic attaining mastery behaviors Bloom Carroll cent classroom cognitive complete Concept of Learning correctives course criterion curriculum dents Educational Psychology Educational Testing Service effective experimental feedback final formative evaluation formative tests given grades hierarchy indicate individual differences instructional materials interactions language aptitude learners Learning for Mastery/Carroll learning rate learning tasks learning unit level of aspiration major mastery learning strategies mastery level mastery strategy mathematics measure mental health methods model of school non-mastery normally distributed objectives particular performance perseverance Peter W predicted problems programed instruction progress pupil quality of instruction rate of learning relationship school learning scores self-concept skills specific standard student achievement student learning suggest summative evaluation taught teacher teaching tery tion tive tutoring understand instruction unit tests University of Chicago variables Winnetka Plan