Medical ChronicleSherratt & Hughes, 1904 - Medicine |
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Common terms and phrases
A. J. RODOCANACHI abdominal abscess acid acute alcohol anæmia arsenic arteries asthma attacks bacillus blood pressure body bowel cardiac Cause and Chief cavity cent centre changes Chief Clinical Symptoms chromophile chronic colon condition cord cystic cysts death degeneration diagnosis dilatation disease drug dyspnoea effect endocarditis examination fæces fever fluid gall-bladder gastric glands hæmorrhage heart incision increased infiltration injection intestine kidney lesion leucocytes leucocytosis liver dulness Medical method mucous membrane muscle muscular nephritis nerve cells nerve fibres neuroglia normal observed obtained occur operation pain paralysis pathological patient peritoneum peritonitis Post-mortem Appearances posterior present Presumed Cause produced pulmonary pulse purulent pylorus pyramidal tract R. W. MARSDEN Reference reflex removed respiration respiratory selenium serum showed sodium sodium chloride solution spinal stained stomach streptococci substance temperature thickened treatment tube tuberculosis tumour ulcer ureter uric acid urine vomiting WALKER HALL wall writer X-rays