Memoirs of Sir Thomas More, المجلد 2Cadell and Davis, 1808 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
albeit Amaurot antè archbishop of York atque blood body brother cardinal council counsel crown death divers duke of Buckingham duke of Gloucester duke of York E GRÆCO enemy erat ergo esteem evil faith favour fear friends fuit grace GRÆCO GRECO habet hæc happiness hath honour Howbeit illa ille Inque inquit ipse King Edward King Henry King Richard king's labour laws less live Lord Hastings lord protector Lord Rivers lord-chamberlain man's manner marriage married matter mihi mind MORI nature never nihil nunc occasion perceive pleasure priests protector punishment quæ quàm queen quid quod quoth quum realm reckon sæpe sanctuary sent shew slaves Stony Stratford sure surety syphogrants tamen therewith thing thought tibi tion town trust truth unto Utopians virtue ween whereof wise wist words
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 241 - He took ill rest at nights, lay long waking and musing ; sore wearied with care and watch, he rather slumbered than slept. Troubled with fearful dreams, suddenly sometimes started he up, leapt out of his bed and ran about the chamber. So was his restless heart continually tossed and tumbled with the tedious impression and stormy remembrance of his most abominable deed.
الصفحة 193 - I tell thee they have so done, and that I will make good on thy body, traitor. And therewith, as in a great anger, he clapped his fist upon the board a great rap. At which token one cried treason without the chamber.
الصفحة 195 - God send grace, sir," quod the messenger, and went his way. Certain it is also, that in the riding toward the Tower, the same morning in which he was beheaded, his horse twice or thrice stumbled with him almost to the falling ; which thing albeit each man wot well daily happeneth to them to whom no such mischance is toward, yet hath it been of an old rite and custom, observed as a token oftentimes notably foregoing some great misfortune.
الصفحة 239 - ... failing, they gave up to God their innocent souls into the joys of Heaven, leaving to the tormentors their bodies dead in the bed. Which after that the wretches perceived, first by the struggling with the pains of death, and after long lying still, to be thoroughly dead, they laid their bodies naked out upon the bed...
الصفحة 191 - What were they worthy to have, that compass and imagine the destruction of me, being so near of blood unto the king and protector of his royal person and his realm...
الصفحة 185 - Now welcome, my lord, even with all my very heart." And he said in that of likelihood as he thought. Thereupon forthwith they brought him to the king his brother into the bishop's palace at...
الصفحة 193 - Therewith a door clapped, and in come there rushing men in harness as many as the chamber might hold. And anon the protector said to the Lord Hastings, I arrest thee traitor. What, me, my lord, quoth he. Yea thee, traitor, quoth the protector.
الصفحة 239 - Sir James Tyrell devised that they should be murdered in their beds. To the execution whereof, he appointed Miles Forest, one of the four that kept them, a fellow fleshed in murder before time.
الصفحة 202 - The king would say that he had three concubines, which in three diverse properties diversly excelled ; one the merriest, another the wiliest, the third the holiest harlot in his realm, as one whom no man could get out of the church lightly to any place, but it were to his bed.
الصفحة 244 - The bishop was a man of great natural wit, very well learned, and honourable in behaviour, lacking no wise ways to win favour. He had been fast upon...