Milton and the Line of VisionJoseph Anthony Wittreich |
Chaucer and Milton | 3 |
Milton Greatest Spenserian 25 | 25 |
The Poet as Maker | 57 |
Copyright | |
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Adam and Eve American poetry Apocalypse becomes begins Blake Blake's Book of Revelation bourgeois bourgeoisie century Chaucer child Christ Christian Christopher Hill contemporary context created creation criticism Dante death divine English Enion Enitharmon essay eternal evil experience Faerie Queene fall father feminine Four Zoas genre God's heaven House of Fame household human idea influence Jerusalem John labor literary London Lycidas marriage meaning medieval Milton's epic Milton's poem Milton's poetry mind monogamy moral mother Muse myth nature Paradise Lost Paradise Regained parents Passion pastoral patriarchal pattern Penseroso poem's poet poet's poetic political Prelude Press prophecy prophetic prose providence psychological Puritan reader relationship Renaissance repression Romantics on Milton Satan sense sexual Shelley Shepheardes Calender Sidney social society Spenser spirit Stevens structure things thou tion tradition turns Univ universe vision visionary whole Wittreich women word Wordsworth writing York