Miscellaneous Bills: Hearing Before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-fourth Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 2106, Providing that Enlistment Contracts Shall Not Terminate by Reason of Appointment as Cadets Or Midshipmen ; H.R. 2108, Repealing Certain Laws Re Professional Examinations for Promotions, Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Officers, Army and Air Force ; H.R. 2216, Relating to Retention of Disabled Commissioned and Warrant Officers, Army and Air Force ; H.R. 4229, Providing Running Mates for Certain Staff Corps Officers, Naval Service ; H.R. 4437, Withholding for State Employee Retirement System Purposes, Compensation, Civilian Employees, National Guard ; H.R. 4363, Authorizing Conveyance of Certain Property to State of New Mexico ; H.R. 4704, Providing for Examination Preliminary to Promotion of Naval Officers ; H.R. 5268, Authorizing Travel Allowances by Private Car Outside Continental Limits ; H.R. 8477, Amending Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 ; S. 2771, Authorizing Loan of Certain Equipment to Boy Scouts, National Jamboree ; S. 2772, Authorizing Loan of Equipment and Provision of Transportation to Boy Scouts, World Jamboree, May 24, 1956![]() U.S. Government Printing Office, 1956 - 41 halaman |