Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery, Bind 59


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Side 147 - A Yearly Digest of Scientific Progress and Authoritative Opinion in all branches of Medicine and Surgery, drawn from journals, monographs, and text-books of the leading American and Foreign authors and investigators. Arranged with critical editorial comments, by eminent American specialists, under the editorial charge of GEORGE M. GOULD, MD Year-Book of 1901 in two volumes—Vol. I. including General Medicine; Vol.
Side 156 - Whatever, in connection with my professional practice or not in connection with it, I see or hear in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge as reckoning that all such should be kept secret.
Side 198 - I am convinced that there is no other remedy so useful and attended with such satisfactory results in the treatment of melancholia with vasomotor disturbances, anemic headache, emotional distress, and active delusions of apprehension and distrust as Antikamnia Tablets.
Side 147 - A Manual of the Practice of Medicine, Prepared Especially for Students. — By AA Stevens, AM, MD, Lecturer on Terminology and Instructor in Physical Diagnosis in the University of Pennsylvania; Demonstrator of Pathology in the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania; Physician to St. Agnes' Hospital, to the Out-Patient Department of the Episcopal Hospital, and to the Southeastern Dispensary, Philadelphia.
Side 244 - PYE'S BANDAGING. Elementary Bandaging and Surgical Dressing. With Directions concerning the Immediate Treatment of Cases of Emergency. By WALTER PYE, FRCS, late Surgeon to St, Mary's Hospital, London. Small I2mo, over 80 illustrations.
Side 150 - THE Laryngoscope, published in St. Louis, has been selected as the official organ, for the year 1897, of the Laryngological Section of the New York Academy of Medicine. This selection, and the great probability of the same journal being chosen by other Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Societies as their official organ, would indicate that The Laryngoscope...
Side 54 - I took it in eight to ten-grain doses at intervals of two hours. The effect was magical, the first dose relieved the severity of the pain, while the second quieted it entirely, and I went to bed, sleeping all night with one awakening of a few moments only, a thing I had not done in four weeks. This experience on my own person, has thoroughly convinced me of the superiority of the genuine Antikamnia.
Side 204 - An Act to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery in the State of Tennessee, and to define and punish offenses committed in violation of this Act.
Side 127 - Wherefore that here we may briefly end : of Law there can be no less acknowledged than that her seat is the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world; all things in heaven and earth do her homage, the very least 175 as feeling her care, and the greatest as not exempted from her power...
Side 192 - The delegates shall receive their appointment from permanently organized State Medical Societies, and such County and District Medical Societies as are recognized by representation in their respective State Societies, and from the Medical Department of the Army and Navy of the United States.

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