Newton's Guide to the Board of trade examinations of masters and mates of sailing ships and steam ships, in navigation and nautical astronomy

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J. Newton, 1884 - Nautical astronomy - 176 pages

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Page 76 - In the following table give the correct magnetic bearing of the distant object, and thence the deviation. 8. With the deviation as above, give the courses you would steer by the Standard Compass to make the following courses, correct magnetic : — . . 9.
Page 7 - Having determined the deviation with the ship's head on the various points of the compass, how do you know when it is easterly and when westerly ? 4.
Page 146 - Compass to make the following courses, correct magnetic. 9. Supposing you have steered the following courses by the Standard Compass, find the correct magnetic courses made from the above deviation table.
Page 138 - Ship's Head by Standard Compass. Bearing of distant object by Standard Compass. Deviation required. Ship's Head by Standard Compass.
Page 8 - Compasses of iron ships are more or less affected by what is termed the heeling error ; on what courses does this error vanish, and on what courses is it the greatest ? 16. State to which side of the ship, in the majority of cases, is the North point of the Compass drawn in the Northern hemisphere ; and what effect has it on the assumed position of the ship when she is steering on Northerly, and also on Southerly courses ? . •. . . 17. The effect being as you state, on what courses would...
Page 13 - ... are the usual indications of a ship being on the line of progression of the centre of a Cyclone ? 5. What are the usual indications that a ship is (a) approaching the centre of a Cyclone ; fb) receding from it?
Page 8 - Q. 15. The compasses of iron ships are more or less affected by what is termed the heeling error. On what courses does this error vanish, and on what courses is it the greatest ? A.
Page 9 - Northerly, and also on Southerly courses ? 17. The effect being as you state, on what courses would you keep away, and. on what courses would you keep closer to the wind, in order to make good a given Compass course ? 18.
Page 147 - Tenby, by reckoning took a cast of the lead. Required the correction to be applied to the depth obtained by the lead line before comparing it with the depth marked on the Chart.
Page 13 - And suppose that the wind during the passage of the same cyclone were found to change toward the* , what would be the ship's position with reference to the line of progression of the centre of the cyclone, and what action would you take ? 8.

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