Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology: The Malleable Self and the Presence of GodBRILL, 28 בנוב׳ 2016 - 336 עמודים In Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology, Tyson L. Putthoff explores early Jewish beliefs about how the human self reacts ontologically in God’s presence. Combining contemporary theory with sound exegesis, Putthoff demonstrates that early Jews widely considered the self to be intrinsically malleable, such that it mimics the ontological state of the space it inhabits. In divine space, they believed, the self therefore shares in the ontological state of God himself. The book is critical for students and scholars alike. In putting forth a new framework for conceptualising early Jewish anthropology, it challenges scholars to rethink not only what early Jews believed about the self but how we approach the subject in the first place. |
The Self and the Mystical Experience | 1 |
The Recreated Self in an Egyptian Jewish Tale | 32 |
De opificio mundi and the End of the Self | 68 |
The Selfconstructed Temple at Qumran | 103 |
Selftransformation in Bavli Sotah 49a | 139 |
Selfglorification in Hekhalot Zutarti | 176 |
Towards a Mimetic Anthropology of Early Judaism | 213 |
Bibliography | 227 |
289 | |
295 | |
309 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
1QS viii 4QFlorilegium Amidah Ancient angels anthropology Anthropos Apocalypse Asen assimilation becomes Biblical Literature blending Blessing bodily body boundaries bounded space Brill celestial chariot Commentary Davila Dead Sea Scrolls descender disciple early Jewish early Jews early Judaism Edited Eerdmans Enoch entity Exod face Fletcher-Louis glory God's presence God’s space heaven heavenly Hebrew Hekhalot Literature Hekhalot Rabbati Hekhalot Zutarti Holy of Holies human Ibid Idem ingestion Israel Jerusalem Jewish Mysticism Jewish Studies Joseph and Aseneth Journal Late Antiquity Leiden Merkavah mind Mohr Siebeck Morray-Jones Moses mystical experience nature Neuen Testament Newsom Old Testament ontological Oxford University Press Paul Philo of Alexandria Plato prayer Priestly Priestly Blessing Pseudepigrapha Qumran Rabbinic Religion ritual Sabbath Shirot Schäfer scholars sectarian self-transformation Serekh share Shekhinah Society of Biblical Sotah Sotah 49a soul Spirit Stroumsa Studia Philonica Annual Talmud technologies Telos Temple Torah tradition trans transformation Translated Tübingen unio mystica Volume York