Organism, Medicine, and Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Hans Jonas on His 75th Birthday, May 10, 1978S.F. Spicker This Festschrift is presented to Professor Hans Jonas on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday, as affirmation of the contributors' respect and admiration. As a volume in the series 'Philosophy and Medicine' the contributions not only reflect certain interests and pursuits of the scholar to whom it is dedi cated, but also serve to bring to convergence the interests of the contributors in the history of humanity and medicine, the theory of organism, medicine in the service of the patient's autonomy, and the metaphysical, i.e., phenome nological foundations of medicine. Notwithstanding the nature of such personal gifts as the authors' contributions (which, with the exception of the late Hannah Arendt's, appear here for the first time), the essays also transcend the personal and serve to elaborate specific themes and theses disclosed in the numerous writings of Hans Jonas. The editor owes a personal debt of gratitude to many, including Hannah Arendt, who offered their assistance during the preparation of the volume. |
ADOLPH LOWEPrometheus Unbound? A New World in the Making | 1 |
MICHAEL LANDMANNThe System of Anthropina | 13 |
PAUL OSKAR KRISTELLER Philosophy and Medicine in Medieval | 29 |
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Organism, Medicine, and Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Hans Jonas on his ... S.F. Spicker No preview available - 2011 |
Organism, Medicine, and Metaphysics: Essays in Honor of Hans Jonas on his ... S.F. Spicker No preview available - 2011 |
Common terms and phrases
activity actual animal anthropina Aristotelian Aristotle awareness biological bodily brain death Cartesian Cartesian dualism century clinic coma concept consciousness constitution creativity creature cultural Darwin Descartes diagnosis Discours disease distinction dualism eidos entity essay euthanasia evidence existence experience external fact function goal Hans Jonas Hegel hospice care hospital human Husserl identity inner Jonas Kant kind knowledge living body living things logical mastery of nature material matter means mechanism medicine metabolic metaphor Metaphysics mind modern monism moral natural selection notion object ontological organism Origin of Species pain particular patient perception person philosophy physical physicians possible principle problem purposiveness question real individuals reason relation res extensa S. F. Spicker scientific seems self-end self-relation sense sexual reproduction simply singularity social soul species structure subjectivity teleological character teleology theory thinking tion tradition truth ultimate unity universal Whitehead whole York