Oversight Hearings on the Impact Aid Laws and Testimony on H.R. 5181: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, First Session on H.R. 5181 ... February 27, April 9 and 15, 1975 |
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25 percent amount appropriation average BELL bill Brevard County budget Chairman PERKINS CHISHOLM City School Commissioner committee concept paper Congress congressional cost of education DAVID FISH debt service District Old law educational agencies effect Elementary eligible entitlement equalization formula expenditures fiscal year 1976 FISH FORD Fort Benning Fremont County going GOODLING handicapped children High School hold-harmless provisions Husk impact aid program Independent School law New law law tier leeway legislation low-rent housing MEEDS ment military Montgomery County MONTGOMERY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of Education Okaloosa County Onslow County payments Phenix City Prince Georges County problem proposal public housing pupils public housing students Public Law 874 Public Schools qualify question QUIE receive reduction on TCE revenue Russell County School District school systems statement STORMER testimony Thank tier 2 Difference tion trict Unified School District York City