Party and Procedure in the United States Congress

Front Cover
Jacob R. Straus, Matthew Glassman
Rowman & Littlefield, 2017 - Law - 349 pages
Navigating Congress in the age of partisanship / Jacob R. Straus and Matthew E. Glassman -- Drafting the law : players, power, and processes / Scott Levy -- Keeping the team together : explaining party discipline and dissent in the U.S. Congress / Matthew Green and Briana Bee -- The motion to recommit in the U.S. House / Jennifer Hayes Clark -- Evolution of the reconciliation process, 1980-2015 / James V. Saturno -- Post-committee adjustment in the contemporary House : the use of Rules Committee prints / Mark J. Oleszek -- Longitudinal analysis of one-minute speeches in the House of Representatives / Colleen J. Shogan and Matthew E. Glassman -- A good leader never blames his tools : the evolving majority-party toolkit in the U.S. Senate / Aaron S. King, Frank J. Orlando, and David W. Rohde -- The electoral politics of procedural votes in the U.S. Senate / Joel Sievert -- Partisanship, filibustering, and reform in the Senate / Gregory Koger -- Irregular order : examining the changing congressional amending process / Michael S. Lynch, Anthony J. Madonna, and Rachel Surminsky -- From base closings to the budget : exceptions to the filibuster in the U.S. Senate / Molly E. Reynolds -- Intraparty caucus formation in the U.S. Congress / James Wallner -- Gender and party politics in a polarized era / Michele L. Swers -- The government shutdown of 2013 : a perspective / Walter J. Oleszek

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