Porcupine's Works: Containing Various Writings and Selections, Exhibiting a Faithful Picture of the United States of America; of Their Government, Laws, Politics, and Resources; of the Characters of Their Presidents, Governors, Legislators, Magistrates, and Military Men; and of the Customs, Manners, Morals, Religion, Virtues and Vices of the People: Comprising Also a Complete Series of Historical Documents and Remarks, from the End of the War, in 1783, to the Election of the President, in March, 1801, Том 6Cobbett and Morgan, 1801 |
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addrefs affure afked againſt alfo amendment American anfwer becauſe believe Britain British bufinefs cafe Cape François Captain caufe circumftances citizens commerce Commiffioner conduct confequence confidence confiderable conftitution Congrefs correfpondence Dayton defence defire Directory Ellicott eſtabliſhed Executive exifting expenfe expreffed faid fame feems fenfe fent fentiments ferve feven feveral fhall fhip fhort fhould fhow fince firft fituation fome foon foreign fpeech fpirit France French Directory French Republic frigates ftate ftill fubject fuch fuffer fuppofed fupport fure Gazette gentleman Government himſelf honour Houfe Houſe inftance infult intereft juft juftice laft leaft lefs letter mafter Majefty meaſure ment Minifter moft Monfieur moſt muft muſt nation neceffary New-York obferved occafion officer paffed paper peace perfons pleaſure poffible port prefent preferve Prefident prefs propofed purpoſe queftion reafon received refpect refufed Reprefentatives Spain Spanish thefe themſelves theſe thofe thoſe tion treaty truft United uſe veffels Weft whofe wifhed