Profoundly Entertaining: An Introduction to Shakespeare's Artistry

Front Cover
Xlibris Corporation, Nov 2, 2006 - Drama - 506 pages
Profoundly Entertaining offers the general reader a chance to think about Shakespeares artistry in a sustained way. Entertaining as Shakespeares plays are, that quality by itself wouldnt justify the effort required to overcome the difficulty their language poses. Their enduring popularity suggests that, to varying degrees, their audiences sense their profundity even if they cannot confidently articulate their experience. Without any overarching argument to makemerely with admiration for the most intelligent, honest, courageous, and sustained confrontation of human life of which we have written recordthe book invites its readers to accompany Shakespeare on his journey of exploration into the human condition unobscured by prevailing orthodoxies and comforting illusions.

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