Publication Fund Series, Volume 51873 - Local history |
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Common terms and phrases
affairs Aid de Camps America army arrived artillery attack Battalion beg leave boats Brigade Camp Capt CHARLES LEE Charlestown COLONEL MOULTRIE Colony command Congress considerable Continental Continental Congress Convention corps cou'd Council DEAR SIR defence detachment Dr Sir Dunmore duty EDMUND PENDLETON enemy enemy's Excellency favor flank Fleet force Gentlemen Georgia give Go WASHINGTON guard HENRY LAURENS honor hope horse humble Servant immediately inform intelligence JOHN JOHN LAURENS John Rutledge July June land letter liberty Lieut Lord Lord Dunmore Major General Lee miles Militia Monmouth N. Y. City necessary North Carolina obliged officers opinion Peekskill Philadelphia present PRESIDENT RUTLEDGE prisoners Province rank rear received Regiment request retreat RICHARD HENRY LEE River Savannah sent Servant CHARLES LEE Servt ships shou'd soldiers spirit Sullivan's Island thought tion Town troops Virginia whole Williamsburg wish wou'd wounded
Popular passages
Page 348 - The ingenious manoeuvre of Fort Washington has unhinged the goodly fabric we had been building. There never was so damned a stroke. Entre nous, a certain great man is most damnably deficient. He has thrown me into a situation where I have my choice of difficulties : if I stay in this province, I risk myself and army ; and if I do not stay, the province is lost forever.
Page 306 - I only wait myself for this business of Rogers and company being over. I shall then fly to you; for, to confess a truth, I really think our chief will do better with me than without me.
Page 436 - ... articles you ground your charge, that I may prepare for my justification, which I have the happiness to be confident I can do to the army, to the Congress, to America, and to the world in general. Your Excellency must give me leave to observe, that neither yourself, nor those about your person, could from your situation be in the least judges of the merits or demerits of our manoeuvres ; and, to speak with a becoming pride, I can assert that to these manoeuvres the success of the day was entirely...
Page 349 - Congress have directed Philadelphia to be defended to the last extremity. The fatal consequences that must attend its loss, are but too obvious to every one ; your arrival may be the means of saving it...
Page 437 - You cannot afford me greater pleasure than in giving me the opportunity of shewing to America, the sufficiency of her respective servants. I trust, that the temporary power of office, and the tinsel dignity attending it, will not be able, by all the mists they can raise, to offiscate the bright rays of truth.
Page 419 - Sir, I want to repeat you in writing what I have told to you, which is, that if you believe it, or if it is believed necessary or useful to the good of the service and the honour of General Lee, to send him down with a couple of thousand men, or any greater force ; I will cheerfully obey and serve him, not only out of duty, but out of what I owe to that gentleman's character.
Page 418 - So far personally ; but, to speak as an officer, I do not think that this detachment ought to march at all, until at least the head of the enemy's right column has passed Cranberry ; then, if it is necessary to march the whole army, I cannot see any impropriety in the Marquis's commanding this detachment, or a greater, as an advanced guard of the army ; but if this detachment, with Maxwell's corps, Scott's, Morgan's, and Jackson's, is to be considered as a separate, chosen, active corps, and put...
Page 296 - ... the desponding here ; and as to the other, you will doubtless represent to them, that in duty and gratitude their service is due, wherever the enemy make the greatest impression, or seem to intend it.
Page 413 - Scott. You are to use the most effectual means for gaining the enemy's left flank and rear, and giving them every degree of annoyance. All continental parties that are already on the lines, will be under your command, and you will take such measures, in concert with.
Page 436 - I believe will close the war, retire from a service at the head of which is placed a man capable of offering such injuries. But at the same time, in justice to you, I must repeat that I from my soul believe, that it was not...