Quitting Cocaine: The Struggle Against ImpulseQuitting Cocaine opens with a comprehensive review of cocaine and its special niche as one of the most feared addictions it discusses current research, treatments, government involvement, and the process of addiction. |
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abstinence activities addictive behavior adulthood adverse consequences alcohol Alcoholics Anonymous American become Biernacki biological brief encounter Burglass caine chapter chemical cigarettes clinical cocaine abuse cocaine quitters cocaine users cocaine-using coke compulsive considered crack dealers death disease model drinking drug abuse drug treatment drug users ecological effects of cocaine example experience factors feelings freebase going Grinspoon heroin high school illicit drug increase individuals Institute on Drug interaction interventions intoxicant involved Journal Khantzian lifestyle maintain marijuana Marlatt methadone model of addiction N/A N/A N/A narcotic natural recovery NIDA opiate Past Month patients patterns percent perspectives pharmacological physical problems programs Psychiatry psychoactive drugs psychological quit cocaine Rat Park relapse prevention relationship reported self-esteem setting Shaffer smoking social ecology stimulants stop substance abuse syndrome tion trends turning point U.S. Government Printing Vaillant war on drugs York young adults Zinberg