React and React Native: Build cross-platform JavaScript applications with native power for the web, desktop, and mobilePUBLISHER'S NOTE: An updated 2024 edition of this book, with new emphasis on TypeScript, is now available. Key Features
This book is for any JavaScript developer who wants to start learning how to use React and React Native for mobile and web application development. No prior knowledge of React is required, however working knowledge of JavaScript is necessary to be able to follow along the content covered. |
1 | |
3 | |
13 | |
33 | |
57 | |
Event Handling the React Way | 91 |
Crafting Reusable Components | 107 |
The React Component Life Cycle | 137 |
Navigating Between Screens | 341 |
Rendering Item Lists | 363 |
Showing Progress | 383 |
Geolocation and Maps | 397 |
Collecting User Input | 407 |
Displaying Modal Screens | 425 |
Responding to User Gestures | 443 |
Using Animations | 461 |
Validating Component Properties | 167 |
Handling Navigation with Routes | 189 |
Code Splitting Using Lazy Components and Suspense | 207 |
ServerSide React Components | 221 |
User Interface Framework Components | 239 |
HighPerformance State Updates | 265 |
Part 2 React Native | 279 |
Why React Native? | 281 |
React Native under the Hood | 287 |
KickStarting React Native Projects | 303 |
Building Responsive Layouts with Flexbox | 319 |
Other editions - View all
React and React Native: Build Cross-Platform JavaScript Applications with ... Adam Boduch,Roy Derks,Mikhail Sakhniuk No preview available - 2022 |
Common terms and phrases
Android Apollo Client App component array ArticleList asynchronous backgroundColor browser bundles button changes checkbox component looks component renders const root Container component Context create declarative default function App display error event handler functions example Expo export default function extends React.Component fetchUser Figure filter FlatList Flexbox geolocation GraphQL Grid item handle header Here's higher-order function Hook implement import React import styles initial JavaScript jQuery JSON JSX markup layout loading Material-UI mobile apps modal module mutation MyButton MyComponent MyFeature NativeBase navigation null onClick options Page1 Page2 parameters passed platforms property values props QR code query re-render React application React components React from react React Native react-native ReactDOM root.render Route Router screen server setTimeout StatusBar string styles from styles Summary take a look text input update useEffect useState validation View style={styles.container web applications