Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, Volum 4

Whitaker, 1910

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Side 27 - A POCKET-BOOK of ELECTRICAL RULES and TABLES For the Use of Electricians and Engineers.
Side 62 - SECOND EDITION, Revised. In Crown 8vo. Handsome Cloth. Profusely Illustrated. 8s. 6d. net. SANITARY ENGINEERING: A Practical Manual of Town Drainage and Sewage and Refuse Disposal. For Sanitary Authorities, Engineers, Inspectors, Architects, Contractors, and Students. BY FRANCIS WOOD, AMlNsr.CE, FGS, Borough Engineer and Surveyor, Fulham ; late Borough Engineer, Bacup, Lanes.
Side 27 - Questions. EIGHTH EDITION, Revised and Enlarged. 3/6. "A THOROUGHLY TRUSTWORTHY Text-book. PRACTICAL and clear."— Nature.
Side 15 - Fern World (The). By FG HEATH. Illustrated by Twelve Coloured Plates, giving complete Figures (Sixty-four in all) of every Species of British Fern, printed from Nature ; by several full-page Engravings.
Side 44 - Professor of Mining and Director of the Otago University School of Mines ; late Director Thames School of Mines, and Geological Surveyor and Mining Geologist to the Government of New Zealand.
Side 32 - Considerations in making choice of Type of Vessel. — Framing of Ships. IV. Strains experienced by Ships. — Methods of Computing and Comparing Strengths of Ships. V. Construction of Ships. — Alternative Modes of Construction. — Types of Vessels. — Turret, Self Trimming, and Trunk Steamers, &c. — Rivets and Rivetting, Workmanship. VI. Pumping Arrangements. VII. Maintenance. — Prevention of Deterioration in the Hulls of Ships.— Cement, Paint, &c.— INDEX.
Side 33 - Examinations — Rise and Progress of Steam Propulsion — Development of Free Trade— Shipping Legislation, 1862 to 1875— " Locksley Hall" CaseShipmasters' Societies — Loading of Ships — Shipping Legislation, 1884 to 1894 — Statistics of Shipping.
Side 45 - NEW LAND" SERIES. Practical Hand-Books for the Use of Prospectors, Explorers, Settlers, Colonists, and all Interested in the opening up and Development of New Lands. EDITED BY GRENVILLE AJ COLE, MRIA, FGS, Professor of Geology in the Eoyal College of Science for Ireland, and Examiner in the University of London.
Side 54 - S«. 6d. net. A HANDBOOK ON PETROLEUM FOR INSPECTORS UNDER THE PETROLEUM ACTS, And for those engaged in the Storage, Transport, Distribution, and Industrial Use of Petroleum and its Products, and of Calcium Carbide. With suggestions on the Construction and Use of Mineral Oil Lamps. BY CAPTAIN JH THOMSON, 1 1. II. Chief Inspector of Explosives, AND SIR BOVERTON REDWOOD, Author of "A Treatise on Petroleum.

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