Report of the Annual Meeting |
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A. C. Haddon acid Annual Astrophys Aurignacian Baly and Desch Baly and Ewbank Baly and Tryhorn Baly and Tuck Bessel Functions Bielecki and Henri Boulder Clay Breccia Carnegie Inst Chem chemical chert Chim cineol coal Coblentz Committee Compt crops Crymble D.Sc Dobbie Dobbie and Lauder Engelhardt epicentre ethyl ester experiments fatigue ferous functions Gabbro Geological Hantzsch Hantzsch and Lifschitz Hantzsch and Scharf Hantzsch and Voigt Hartley and Huntington Heilbron Henderson Hewitt important industrial interest investigation ketone Kowalski lectures Limestone Magdalenian Magnesian Marsden methods Meyer and Fischer Morgan N. H. Soc Naturalist obtained Old Red Sandstone organisation Phenyl Phil Phot Phys plant present Proc Prof Professor Purvis and McCleland Quarry rend Report rocks salt Sandstone School scientific Secretary Section Society Stark and Steubing stations Stobbe Sunderland Survey tion Trans Watson Weniger wiss Wright Zeit