John Howard Yoder (1927–97) taught ethics and theology as a professor at Notre Dame University and Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary and was perhaps the most well-known Mennonite theologian in the twentieth century. Widely sought around the world as a theological educator, ethicist, and interpreter of biblical pacifism, he is best known for his study on The Politics of Jesus. Yoder is also remembered for his long-term sexual harassment and abuse of women. Click here for more on Herald Press and John Howard Yoder.
John C. Nugent is professor of Old Testament at his alma mater, Great Lakes Christian College in Lansing, Mich. His Ph.D. is from Calvin Theological Seminary. He holds additional graduate degrees from Duke Divinity School (Th.M.) and Emmanuel School of Religion (M.Div.). Nugent is the author of The Politics of Yahweh (Cascade Books, 2011) and the editor of Radical Ecumenicity: Pursuing Unity and Continuity after John Howard Yoder (ACU Press, 2010). He also published articles in books, academic journals, and popular-level magazines in Bible, theology, Christian ethics, church planting, Yoder studies, and Stone-Campbellite history. Nugent currently heads the John Howard Yoder Indexing Project and regularly writes Bible lesson commentaries for Standard Publishing. Additional ministry experiences include youth and pastoral ministry, camp directing, campus ministry, church planting, and house-church ministry. John and his wife Beth have been married since 1993. They have three daughters: Alexia, Sierra, and Alissa. They are committed members of Delta Community Christian Church in Lansing, Mich. For more on Nugent, visit his website at
Branson Parler is Assistant Professor of Theological Studies at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has held that position since 2008. Prior to coming to Kuyper College, he earned his B. A. at Cornerstone University (Grand Rapids, MI), where he majored in Pre-Seminary Studies and minored in Ancient Languages and English Literature. He earned his Master of Arts from the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto, Ontario, where he focused on Theology and Philosophy of Religion. He earned his Ph.D. from Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids. Prior to serving as full-time faculty member at Kuyper College, Branson taught adjunct at Calvin College and Cornerstone University for three years. In his role as teaching faculty, Branson teaches a variety of courses, including Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, Doctrine I and II, Introduction to Philosophy, Christ and Culture, and Creeds and Confessions. Branson has previously published articles and presented papers on the thought of several thinkers, including John Howard Yoder, Abraham Kuyper, and Augustine. Along with John Nugent and Jason Vance, he has developed an online searchable index of the works of John Howard Yoder. This massive undertaking has recently launched and works continue to be added. His website is Branson was born in Waterloo, Iowa. He is a member of Fourth Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. There he serves as an elder, teaches, and preaches on occasion. He has been married to his wife, Sarah, for eight years. He and Sarah have two beautiful daughters, Eliana (3 years) and Ruby (1 year).
Andy Alexis-Baker is currently a PhD candidate in systematic theology and theological ethics at Marquette University. He has published numerous articles in academic journals, including Scottish Journal of Theology, Journal of Church and State, Biblical Interpretation, Mennonite Quarterly Review, and Journal of Early Christian Studies. He is the coeditor of John Howard Yoder's Christian Attitudes to War, Peace, and Revolution (Brazos, 2009) and Yoder's forthcoming Theology of Missions (IVP Academic, 2013), as well as the co-general editor of the Peaceable Kingdom Series with Cascade Books.