Schenck, Shenk, Shank: History of the Descendants of Andreas Schenck in America, 1732-1984 : Including Chapters on the Related Families of Biehlmajer, Hertzog, Weis, May, Seitz, Seip, Hicks, Hart, Bandy, and Notes on Many OthersAndreas Schenck (1709-1762) married Rosina Biehlmajer in 1731, and emigrated in 1732 from the Palatinate of Germany to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He anglicized his name to Andrew Shank, and moved by 1744 to York County, Pennsylvania. Descendants and relatives lived in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana and elsewhere. Includes ancestry to about 1600 in Germany. |
Preface | v |
Shank Frontispiece | vi |
Authors Ancestry Chart Before Contents | vi |
Copyright | |
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Common terms and phrases
2.Elizabeth 2.William Adam Adam Wise Andreas Schenck Anna Maria ASKEW Augusta b.2 Dec b.6 Feb Barbara Benjamin brother Calvary Catharine census CHILD County d.aft d.after Daniel Daniel Shank daughter David Deed Book died ditto paid Eldridge Ceme Eliza Elkhart Evangelical Lutheran Church Friedens Church Funkhouser Georg Michael George Shank Henry Jacob Schenck Jacob Shank Jane Johannes JOHANNES SCHENCK John Shank Kibler Lancaster land Linville Creek living Louise Lutheran Church Margaret married Martin Shank Mary Michael Shank Michael Wise Page Co Peter Peter Schenck Polly probably Rantoul records Reuben Rockingham Rockingham Co Rosehill Rosina Samuel Shank Sarah Seitz Shenandoah Shenk Showalter Sipe Sites Smith sponsors Susan Susanna tax lists tombstone Trinity Veitschwind Vigo Weidelbach Weiss Church Wichita widow wife Wilkes William Wise York