Second Deficiency Appropriation Bill for 1935: Hearing Before the Subcommittee of House Committee on Appropriations in Charge of Deficiency Appropriations. Seventy-fourth Congress, First Session

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1935 - 769 страница

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Страница 373 - Labor shall be to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners of the United States, to improve their working conditions, and to advance their opportunities for profitable employment.
Страница 747 - All claims founded upon the Constitution of the United States or any law of Congress, except for pensions, or upon any regulation of an Executive Department, or upon any contract, express or implied, with the Government of the United States...
Страница 454 - SEC. 212 (a) After the date of the enactment of this act, no person holding a civilian office or position appointive or elective, under the United States Government or the municipal government of the District of Columbia...
Страница 741 - No person who holds an office the salary or annual compensation attached to which amounts to the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars shall be appointed to or hold any other office to which compensation is attached unless specially heretofore or hereafter specially authorized thereto by law...
Страница 372 - The Government Departments of any of the Members which deal with questions of industry and employment may communicate directly with the Director through the Representative of their Government on the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, or failing any such Representative, through such other qualified official as the Government may nominate for the purpose.
Страница 370 - Whereas also the failure of any nation to adopt humane conditions of labour is an obstacle in the way of other nations which desire to improve the conditions in their own countries...
Страница 747 - ... decree, but omitting the evidence, be certified to it for review and determination with the same power and authority, and with like effect, as if the cause had been brought there by appeal. (c) All judgments and decrees of the Court of Claims shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court as provided in this section, and not otherwise.
Страница 365 - The controlling interest in a corporation shall not be deemed to be owned by citizens of the United States (a) if the title to a majority of the stock thereof is not vested in such citizens free from any trust or fiduciary obligation in favor of any person not a citizen of the United States...
Страница 540 - Tennessee drainage basin and adjoining territory in conformity with said general purposes (1) the maximum amount of flood control; (2) the maximum development of said Tennessee River for navigation purposes; (3) the maximum generation of electric power consistent with flood control and navigation; (4) the proper use of marginal lands; (5) the proper method of reforestation of all lands in said drainage basin suitable for reforestation ; and (6) the economic and social well-being of the people living...
Страница 646 - Court to assist in the preparation of a unified system of general rules for cases in equity and actions at law in the district courts of the United States and in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia...

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