Seeking GodXulon Press, 2005 - 124 من الصفحات Seeking God is about prayers for Israel. It is written to them who love and fear the Name of the LORD of hosts. |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abba Abraham Amorites Babylon behold bless blood BOOK OF REVELATION bring captivity cast children of Israel children of Zion cometh covenant David declare desolate dragon dwell earth Egypt everlasting eyes Ezekiel fear fire flesh fornication four beasts gates give given unto glory hand heard heart heathen heaven Heavenly Father holy house of Israel iniquity Isaac Isaiah Jacob Jeremiah Jerusalem Jesus kings Lamb land of Israel liveth LORD hath LORD of hosts LORD thy loud voice mercy midst mountains of Israel mouth nations plagues praise pray prophesy prophets Psalm redeemed rejoice righteousness saith the LORD salvation say unto sealed twelve thousand seek Selah servants seven angels shew sword thereof thine things saith thou art thou hast thou mayest thou shalt throne thy name thy seed tribe unto thee unto thy valley of Hamon-gog vial word worship wrath Zechariah Zion