Self and Relationships: Connecting Intrapersonal and Interpersonal ProcessesKathleen D. Vohs, Eli J. Finkel Guilford Press, 16/03/2006 - 432 من الصفحات This volume brings together leading investigators who integrate two distinct research domains in social psychology--people's internal worlds and their close relationships. Contributors present compelling findings on the bidirectional interplay between internal processes, such as self-esteem and self-regulation, and relationship processes, such as how positively partners view each other, whether they are dependent on each other, and the level of excitement in the relationship. Methodological challenges inherent in studying these complex issues are described in depth, as are implications for understanding broader aspects of psychological functioning and well-being. |
Self and Relationships | 1 |
The Importance of SelfRegulation for Interpersonal Functioning | 15 |
A SelfRegulatory | 32 |
SECTION IB SelfConcept | 57 |
An Attachment Theory Perspective on the Interplay | 133 |
Implicit Theories of Relationships and Coping | 160 |
Implications for Liking | 177 |
Understanding Social Interaction | 193 |
Rejections Impact on SelfDefeating Prosocial Antisocial | 237 |
Does the Existence of Social Relationships Matter | 254 |
Considering SelfinRelationship | 274 |
HighMaintenance Interaction and SelfRegulation | 297 |
Partner Affirmation and Self | 317 |
The Effect of Shared Participation in Novel and Challenging | 342 |
A Triangular Model | 387 |
426 | |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
ability action versus activities aggression Aron associated attachment style attachment theory Bargh Baumeister behavior bonobos Campbell chapter close relationships cognitive interdependence commitment Crocker CSWs depletion effects emotional evaluations example excessive reassurance seeking experience experimental extraversion feedback feelings Feeney Finkel goal pursuit Guilford Press high-maintenance interaction ideal important increase individual’s individuals influence interac interpersonal processes interpersonal relationships Joiner Journal of Personality Kuhl Leary levels linked mediated Metalsky Michelangelo motivation narcissism narcissists negative affect negative feedback novel and challenging one’s participants people’s perceived perceptions Personality and Social perspective positive affect predicted priming reassurance-seeking rela relation relationship partners relationship quality response role romantic relationships Rusbult self-concept self-control self-esteem self-regulation self-regulatory self-serving bias self-validation goals self-worth self’s Shah significant Social Psychology social rejection social support sonal specific strategies structure suggest task theory tion tionship Twenge Van Lange versus state orientation Vohs well-being York