Silver Rain: A Romantic Journey, a Book of LoveSILVER RAIN, a 3-volume book, takes the reader on an evocative and thrilling ride through romance and interludes in a type of descriptive writing that 'old school' romance writers once used. It covers the gamut of innocent musings, love, heartbreak and loss in passages remiscent of T.S. Elliot, Saigo, and Pablo Neruda. The author escorts its readers into an evocative world that defies time, space, and current outlooks to swamp them with a magnificent array of writing that begins with her own self-descriptions, thoughts, musings and lyric writings that seem to spring from a type of modern VICTORIAN setting. Her writing style transports you to a sweeter, better existence of life and love in all its trappings, realizations, and final acceptance of life rules and processes. This book is a must-read for those who are die-hard romantics, or for those who can really appreciate the written word. SILVER RAIN is a compelling and uplifting work of art, innocent yet seductive, that can be enjoyed and reread for many years to come. |