Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 19th International Conference, CARDIS 2020, Virtual Event, November 18–19, 2020, Revised Selected PapersPierre-Yvan Liardet, Nele Mentens This book constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications, CARDIS 2020, which took place during November 18-20, 2020. The conference was originally planned to take place in Lübeck, Germany, and changed to an online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 12 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: post-quantum cryptography; efficient implementations; and physical attacks. |
3 | |
Lightweight Postquantum Key Encapsulation for 8bit AVR Microcontrollers | 18 |
Classic McEliece Implementation with Low Memory Footprint | 34 |
Efficient Implementations | 50 |
A Fast and Compact RISCV Accelerator for Ascon and Friends | 51 |
Optimized Software Implementations for the Lightweight Encryption Scheme ForkAE | 68 |
Secure and Efficient Delegation of Pairings with Online Inputs | 84 |
Physical Attacks | 100 |
Hardware Is Not Enough | 101 |
A Power SideChannel Attack on the CCA2Secure HQC KEM | 119 |
How Deep Learning Helps Compromising USIM | 135 |
Differential Analysis and Fingerprinting of ZombieLoads on Block Ciphers | 151 |
LowCost Body Biasing Injection BBI Attacks on WLCSP Devices | 166 |
Tiling for Security Against Advanced Probe and Fault Adversaries | 181 |
196 | |
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Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: 19th International Conference ... Pierre-Yvan Liardet,Nele Mentens No preview available - 2021 |
Common terms and phrases
adversary algorithm Ascon authenticated encryption BABYBEAR BCH code BCH decoder bits block cipher cache line ciphertext circuit Classic McEliece clock cycles co-processor computation Cortex-M4 countermeasures CRYPTO cryptographic cryptosystems decapsulation decryption device efficient encapsulation encoding evaluation execution fault attacks fault injection fingerprint ForkAE ForkSkinny Hamming weight hardware Heidelberg IACR implementation instruction ISAP Karatsuba Karatsuba multiplication kth byte leak leakage lightweight LNCS MAC operation matrix microcontroller MILENAGE multiplication NIST NTRU Prime online phase optimized output pairing parameter set parity-check matrix performance plaintext platform polynomial post-quantum Power Analysis power traces private key probe protocol public key random reduce requires RI5CY core round function runtime S-box samples schemes secret key Sect server side-channel attacks smart cards Springer stored Table target THREEBEARS tile TVLA tweakey USIM USIM cards values variant vector voltage WLCSP ZombieLoad