"Speaking of Dialect": Translating Charles W. Chesnutt's Conjure Tales Into Postmodern Systems of Signification |
Acknowledgments | 9 |
The Problems of Applying Theoretical Models to Dialect | 15 |
Towards a New Method | 31 |
Denotative Translations | 41 |
Connotative Translations | 185 |
Common terms and phrases
African Americans Annie's apostrophe argues assertion Aunt Peggy Bakhtin binary oppositions black dialect black speech Charles W Chesnutt's conjure Chesnutt's dialect fiction Chesnutt's dialect stories Chesnutt's dialect texts Chesnutt's dialect writing Chesnutt's stories chronotope concepts and terms conjure stories Conjure Woman contrast critic cultural deconstruction Derrida's dialect forms dialect grapholect dialect speech dialogic différance difference discourse Dumb Witness eye dialect Foucault gaze Golden Ass Goophered Grapevine grapheme heteroglossia hybridity implied reader instance interpretive Iser Iser's italics Jameson's John and Annie John's Julius Julius's story Lacan's language linguistic literary dialect literary text literature Marse Chan mirror stage mixture nigger novel oral perspective phonocentric plantation postmodern theories reading repression road Sandy slave slavery social speech and writing spelling Standard English standard grapholect strategy structure symbolic act system of signification Tenie theoretical transformation translation process tree turnt ter clay Uncle Remus understanding utterance w'at w'en wife