Stability and Change in American Education: Structure, Process, and Outcomes

Front Cover
Maureen T. Hallinan
E. Werner Publications, 2003 - Education - 260 pages

Robert Dreeben is one of the most widely read and influential sociologists of education of the past half-century and the author of several important books, one of which (the 1968 classic On What Is Learned in School) has been republished by Percheron Press.

In this volume inspired by Dreeben's work and career, chapters written by Dreeben's colleagues, students, and even one of his mentors present the latest academic research on schools and schooling and examine recent and ongoing school reform policies. The contributors address schooling and socialization, school organization and effects, teaching as an occupation, and other areas of sociology of education where Dreeben's research has had a profound impact. A concluding chapter by Dreeben discusses the field of sociology of education as a whole.

From inside the book


Robert Dreebens Contributions to Sociology of Education
The Governance of Teaching and StandardsBased Reform
A Verstehen Approach

11 other sections not shown

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About the author (2003)

Maureen T. Hallinan, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana Adam Gamoran, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin Warren Kubitschek, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana Tom Loveless, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.

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