Statutes of the Province of Alberta, 1. köideQueen's Printer for Alberta, 1913 |
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Common terms and phrases
4th meridian aforesaid agent amount apply appointed Assented to March assessment roll assessor assistant deputy returning authority ballot paper Bow River by-law Calgary candidate certificate city clerk City of Calgary City of Edmonton City of Lethbridge city of Strathcona club commissioners common seal corner of township corporation costs court debentures declaration deemed deputy returning officer district election electors enacts as follows Governor in Council hereby hereinafter impleaded incorporated issue judge land liable Lieutenant Governor line between ranges line thereof March 25 mayor ment meridian line Minister municipality north boundary North Saskatchewan River north-east corner North-West Territories notice Ordinance owner paid payable payment person petition poll clerk polling place Province of Alberta purchase purpose railway Red Deer River regulations respect secretary-treasurer substituting therefor taxes thence north therefor the word therein thereto Title town treasurer village voter
Popular passages
Page 263 - employment of threshing on or about any threshing machine and means any person who has entered into or works under a contract of service with an employer as denned by this Act whether the contract is expressed or implied, is oral or in writing; 3. "Court" means the District Court of the
Page 326 - at an election or at any voting upon any such by-law as aforesaid or who knowingly pays or causes to be paid any money to any person in discharge or repayment of any money wholly or in part expended in bribery at any such election or at the voting upon any such by-law. (e) Every elector
Page 460 - mistake in the use of any of the forms contained in this Act, or by reason of any other irregularity, if it appears to the tribunal having cognizance of the question that the election was conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in this Act, and that such non compliance,
Page 326 - agrees or contracts for any money, gift, loan or valuable consideration, office, place or employment for himself or any other person for voting or agreeing to vote or refraining or agreeing to refrain from voting at any such election or upon any such by-law. (f) Every person who after any such election or the
Page 262 - the said company, on the said day of last, and for the year ending on that day. And we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath, and by virtue of The Canada Evidence
Page 492 - is about to vote or has voted on a by-law. (4) Every officer, clerk and person in attendance at the counting of the votes shall maintain and aid in maintaining the secrecy of the voting, and shall not communicate or attempt to communicate any information obtained at such counting as to the manner in which any
Page 323 - candidate or candidates for whom he has or has not marked his ballot paper. (6) Every person who acts in contravention of this section shall be liable on summary conviction before a justice of the peace to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months with or without hard labour. •>1.
Page 465 - the voting upon a by-law; 4. Every person who advances or pays or causes to be paid money to or to the use of any other person with the intent that such money or any part thereof shall be expended in bribery at an election or at any voting upon
Page 745 - fide mortgaged, hypothecated or pledged to the said corporation by way of security or conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts previously contracted or purchased at judicial sales upon levy for such indebtedness or otherwise purchased for the purpose of avoiding a loss to the college in respect thereof or of the owner thereof. 7. The said
Page 323 - and no other person shall interfere with or attempt to interfere with a voter when marking his ballot paper or shall otherwise attempt to obtain at the polling place information as to the candidate or candidates for whom any voter at such polling place is about to vote or has voted. (3) No officer, clerk