Sweet Auburn and Mount Auburn: With Other Poems |
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Arabelle beautiful bend beneath blessed blest brave breath breeze bright brow calm CAROLINE F cenotaph childhood cool dark dead dear death deep dirge dust earth evermore faint fair faithless fearful flowers forest friends gaze gentle gleaming glow grace grave green grief hand Haste heard heart heaven heavenly holy honored hour Ivory Gate JOSEPH STORY joyous Ladye's laid land life's light lofty lonely lowly marble monument Morpheus MOUNT AUBURN mourn murmuring neath noble o'er passed pause peace pleasant prayer proud pure quiet red right hand repose rest riven rose rude sacred scenes shades shed shone sigh silent sleep smile soft solemn sorrow soul spirit stern summer Sweet Auburn tear of grief tears thee thine thou tomb tree unto Victor Lord voice wandering watch water sleep wave weary ween weep wild wings youth
Popular passages
Page 187 - ... death. Where is the advantage of being lamented if one cannot hear the lamentations ? But how was this privilege to be attained ? Alas ! attained it was ; but the means shall never be divulged to my readers. Never shall another Mr. Smith, self-satisfied and exulting in his popularity, be taught by me to see what I have seen, to feel what I have felt. I had perused St. Leon ; I therefore knew that perpetually-renovated youth had been sought and had been bought. I had read Frankenstein, and I had...
Page 160 - THERE were hunters bold in the days of old, Say legend, lay, and rhyme, But no hunter there can ever compare With that stern old hunter, — Time. He rouses his game both early and late, In darkness as well as in light, And stealthily, silently, follows he, He follows by day and by night.
Page 161 - The whole earth's bound is his hunting-ground, And all things are his prey, And the mighty and vast must fall at last 'Neath the fangs of stern Decay, And Death shall seize on the fairest form That ever on earth has shone ; And they vie in the speed of the fearful chase, As the Hunter urges them on.
Page 161 - In darkness as well as in light, And stealthily, silently, follows he, He follows by day and by night. Death and Decay are his hounds alway, The hounds of old Hunter Time...
Page 138 - Crowds of these spirits, I thus did see, As I sat heneath the old elm-tree. Some to the guilty drunkard went, On his own destruction madly hent. Vile and degraded, disgrnce and shame, Must mingle for ever with his name. Some to the fawning hypocrites flew, The mean, sycophantic, crouching crew. Some to defrauders, and worldly wise, Some to the lovers and makers of lies. Of those that were sent to the doers of ill, All that I saw would a volume fill. Some spirits were sent, with an aspect grave, To...
Page 134 - Spirits, that darkly and silently creep, Where the usurer lies in a trouhled sleep, Let visions of darkness hefore him rise, Let him hear his victim's moaning cries, Let Aim see the widow and orphan there, But not for a hlessing, their desp'rate prayer.
Page 130 - In their soft hlue eyes shone a plncid light, As they darted away in joyous flight. " Spirits, who watch o'er the maiden fair, Lifting the curls of her glossy hair, Go, wave your hright wings ahove her head, Sweetest of odors around her shed. Give her hright visions of love and truth, Such as are meet for her stainless youth. Let her rove forth in the silent glade, Where the spreading trees make a cooling shade. Let her wander with him, her heart holds dear, Where the ruaning rivolet sparkles clear.
Page 133 - Wings like the soaring eugle wore. " Ye spirits ! that love to hover nigh, When the mother closes her watchful eye, Bid her loving and gentle heart rejoice, Let her hear the music of childhood's voice, Let her fair-haired girl, and her dark-eyed hoy, Gather around her with smiles of joy. Let her prophet-eye fix an...
Page 43 - Orne reminded visitors to be on their best behavior: "'Tis holy ground — this City of the Dead / Let no rude accents of untimely mirth / Break the calm stillness of this sacred earth.
Page 129 - She has hrought this nrortal heneath our tree, A lesson to learn from you and me. O'er her eyes a spell will I throw, That through our realms she may safely go ; You shall show her such secrets old, As never hefore were to mortals told." He waved his wand ahove my head, And darkness over me seemed to spread. My hand in his the youngest drew, And my vision ngain came clear and true. Thousands of tiny forms seemed there, Floating ahout in the amhient air.