The American State Reports: Containing the Cases of General Value and Authority Subsequent to Those Contained in the "American Decisions" [1760-1869] and the "American Reports" [1869-1887] Decided in the Courts of Last Resort of the Several States [1886-1911], 63. sējums

Pirmais vāks
Abraham Clark Freeman
Bancroft-Whitney Company, 1898

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Populāri fragmenti

611. lappuse - The counsel for the appellee would limit it to traffic, to buying and selling, or the interchange of commodities, and do not admit that it comprehends navigation.
448. lappuse - ... act, matter or thing in this act prohibited or declared to be unlawful...
612. lappuse - Again, it has been stated that "commerce among the states consists of intercourse and traffic between their citizens, and includes the transportation of persons and property, and the navigation of public waters for that purpose, as well as the purchase, sale, and exchange of commodities.
173. lappuse - ... shall be appointed for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years.
163. lappuse - ... shall not be alienated without the joint consent of husband and wife, when that relation exists; but no property shall be exempt from sale for taxes, or for the payment of obligations contracted for the purchase of said premises, or for the erection of improvements thereon...
240. lappuse - A charity, in the legal sense, may be more fully defined as a gift, to be applied, consistently with existing laws, for the benefit of an indefinite number of persons, either by bringing their minds or hearts under the influence of education or religion, by relieving their bodies from disease, suffering or constraint, by assisting them to establish themselves in life, or by erecting or maintaining public buildings or works or otherwise lessening the burdens of government.
886. lappuse - Where parties, without any fraud or mistake, have deliberately put their engagements in writing, the law declares the writing to be not only the best, but the only, evidence of their agreement.
455. lappuse - ... if any change, other than by the death of an insured, take place in the interest, title, or possession of the subject of insurance (except change of occupants without increase of hazard), whether by legal process or judgment or by voluntary act of the insured, or otherwise...
953. lappuse - ... no officer, agent, or other representative of the company shall have power to waive any provision or condition of this policy...
228. lappuse - March 1, 1914, leaving a last will and testament which was duly admitted to probate in the superior court of the county of Los Angeles.

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