The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History and Politics of the Year ..., Volum 92

J.G. & F. Rivington, 1851
Continuation of the reference work that originated with Robert Dodsley, written and published each year, which records and analyzes the year’s major events, developments and trends in Great Britain and throughout the world. After 1815 the usual form became a number of chapters on Great Britain, paying particular attention to the proceedings of Parliament, followed by chapters covering other countries in turn, no longer limited to Europe. The expansion of the History came at the expense of the sketches, reviews and other essays so that the nineteenth-century publication ceased to have the miscellaneous character of its eighteenth-century forebear, although poems continued to be included until 1862, and a small number of official papers and other important texts continue to be reproduced.

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Side 400 - An Act to provide for the Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, and for the more effectual Government thereof, and for other purposes relating thereto...
Side 386 - ... territories respectively; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their commerce; and, generally, the merchants and traders of each nation, respectively, shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their commerce...
Side 386 - For this purpose they have named their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say : — Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland...
Side 199 - The honour paid to saints, the claim of infallibility for the Church, the superstitious use of the sign of the cross, the muttering of the Liturgy so as to disguise the language in which it is written, the recommendation of auricular confession, and the administration of penance and absolution...
Side 388 - All merchants, commanders of ships, and others, the subjects of Her Britannic Majesty, shall have full liberty in all the territories of the Republic of Costarica, to manage their own affairs themselves, or to commit them to the management of whomsoever they please, as broker...
Side 394 - In order that the two high contracting parties may have the opportunity of hereafter treating and agreeing upon such other arrangements as may tend still further to the improvement of their mutual intercourse, and to the advancement of the interests of their respective...
Side 385 - ... which either Contracting Party has actually granted, or may hereafter grant, to the subjects or citizens of any other State, shall be extended to the subjects or citizens of the other Contracting Party...
Side 386 - There shall be between all the Territories of His Britannic Majesty in Europe, and the Territories of Mexico, a reciprocal freedom of commerce. The inhabitants of the two countries respectively shall have liberty freely and securely to come, with their ships and cargoes...
Side 235 - College, Oxford, and was called to the bar by the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn, Nov.
Side 371 - V. An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. VI. An Act for the Regulation of Her Majesty's Royal Marine Forces while on shore.

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