The Art and Science of Chemical AnalysisGraphs and Excel-based problems appear throughout the book and are supported by user-friendly templates on the accompanying CD. * Study questions and problems appear every few pages throughout the book. These questions are followed by answers. * Enke's book is organized by differentiating characteristics rather than by techniques. |
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absorbance absorption acid-base activity coefficient amount Answers to Study antibody antigen atoms autoprotolysis balance equation buffer calculated centration chromatography color complex components compounds conversion device coordination center coulometric couple Cu2+ decreases detector determined difference differentiating characteristic dissolved EDTA electrode potential emission end point energy enzyme equal equilibrium constant equilibrium potential equivalence point example excitation Fe2+ Fe3+ fluorescence formation constant function H₂O H3O+ half reaction increase ionic strength K₁ ligand light liquid log concentration plot mass measurement method Mg2+ mobile phase molecules moles Nernst equation obtained output oxidation precipitate probe proton quantity react reactant readout reagent redox reduced reference electrode sample Section sensor shown in Figure Snē solubility solution solvent species spectrometer spectrum standard deviation Study Questions substrate system point Table technique temperature test electrode tion titration curve voltage volume wavelength weak acid