The British Drama: pt. 1-2. Comedies

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William Miller, printed by James Ballantyne, 1804 - English drama

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Page 1002 - I would have her instructed in geometry, that she might know something of the contagious countries. But above all, Sir Anthony, she should be mistress of orthodoxy, that she might not misspell and mispronounce words so shamefully as girls usually do; and likewise that she might reprehend the true meaning of what she is saying. This, Sir Anthony, is what I would have a woman know; and I don't think there is a superstitious article in it.
Page 956 - I'm sure I should be sorry people said anything amiss, since I have no fortune but my character. MARLOW: [Aside] By heaven, she weeps. This is the first mark of tenderness I ever had from a modest woman, and it touches me.
Page 943 - The Englishman's malady. But tell me, George, where could I have learned that assurance you talk of? My life has been chiefly spent in a college, or an inn, in seclusion from that lovely part of the creation that chiefly teach men confidence.
Page 1010 - Nay, but, Jack, such eyes! such eyes! so innocently wild! so bashfully irresolute! not a glance but speaks and kindles some thought of love! Then, Jack, her cheeks! her cheeks, Jack! so deeply blushing at the insinuations of her tell-tale eyes!
Page 941 - I'll leave it to all men of sense, But you, my good friend, are the Pigeon. Toroddle, toroddle, toroll. Then come, put the jorum about, And let us be merry and clever, Our hearts and our liquors are stout, Here's the Three Jolly Pigeons for ever.
Page 943 - Diggory, you are too talkative. — Then, if I happen to say a good thing, or tell a good story at table, you must not all burst out a-laughing, as if you made part of the company.
Page 944 - It's not my way, you see, to receive my friends with my back to the fire. I like to give them a hearty reception in the old style at my gate. I like to see their horses and trunks taken care of.
Page 1019 - Come, come, Mrs. Malaprop, we must forget and forgive ; — odds life ! matters have taken so clever a turn all of a sudden, that I could find in my heart to be so goodhumoured! and so gallant! hey! Mrs. Malaprop! - Mrs. Mai. Well, Sir Anthony, since you desire it, we will not anticipate the past; — so mind, young people — our retrospection will be all to the future.
Page 939 - I'll never control your choice; but Mr. Marlow, whom I have pitched upon, is the son of my old friend, Sir Charles Marlow, of whom you have heard me talk so often. The young gentleman has been bred a scholar, and is designed for an employment in the service of his country.
Page 1002 - In my way hither, Mrs. Malaprop, I observed your niece's maid coming forth from a circulating library! — She had a book in each hand — they were half-bound volumes, with marble covers! — From that moment I guessed how full of duty I should see her mistress!

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