The Clifton Medical Bulletin

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1927 - Medicine

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Page 25 - They who are afflicted with it, are seized while they are walking, (more especially if it be up hill, and soon after eating) with a painful and most disagreeable sensation in the breast, which seems as if it would extinguish life, if it were to increase or to continue; but the moment they stand still, all this uneasiness vanishes.
Page 55 - The havoc of the plague had been far more rapid : but the plague had visited our shores only once or twice within living memory ; and the smallpox was always present, filling the churchyards with corpses, tormenting with constant fears all whom it had not yet stricken, leaving on those whose lives it spared the hideous traces of its power, turning the babe into a changeling at which the mother shuddered, and making the eyes...
Page 59 - I have entrusted a most important matter to you, which I firmly believe will prove of essential benefit to the human race. I know you, and should not wish what I have stated to be brought into conversation ; for should anything untoward turn up in my experiments, I should be made, particularly by my medical brethren, the subject of ridicule, for I am the mark they all shoot at.
Page 25 - But there is a disorder of the breast marked with strong and peculiar symptoms, considerable for the kind of danger belonging to it, and not extremely rare, which deserves to be mentioned more at length.
Page 106 - Struck, as with lightning, by some keen disease, Drops sudden : — by the dread attack o'erpowered, He foams, he groans, he trembles, and he faints ; Now rigid, now convulsed, his labouring lungs Heave quick, and quivers each exhausted limb.
Page 61 - I will make this promise — neither to jeer nor to jibe when they catch the disease, but to look after them as brothers, and for the four or five who are certain to die I will try to arrange the funerals with all the pomp and ceremony of an antivaccination demonstration.
Page 8 - Plates. 8vo. cloth, 12s. 6d. LECTURES ON THE GERMS AND VESTIGES OF DISEASE, and on the Prevention of the Invasion and Fatality of Disease by Periodical Examinations. 8vo.
Page 58 - ... of particular individuals. It throws them into a state of fever ; and the same phenomena may be witnessed in the course of fevers produced by cold or a blow. Dr. Jenner, in describing the effects of excessive cold on himself, says, " I had the same sensations as if I had drank a considerable quantity of wine or brandy, and my spirits rose in proportion to this sensation. I felt, as if it were, like one intoxicated, and could not forbear singing, &c.
Page 76 - ... drainage. In others a pit is dug in the middle of the court for the general use of all the occupants. In some the whole courts up to the very doors of the houses are covered with filth.
Page 54 - Truth crushed to earth, shall rise again The eternal years of God are hers; But Error, wounded, writhes in pain, And dies among his worshippers.

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