The Complete Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of RochesterYale University Press, 1 Jan 2002 - 256 halaman John Wilmot, the notorious Earl of Rochester, was the darling of the polished, profligate court of Charles II. One of the finest poets of the Restoration, patron to important playwrights, model for countless witty young rakes in Restoration comedies, he lived a full but short life, dying in 1680 (with a dramatic deathbed renunciation of his atheism) at the age of thirty-three. This edition of Rochester's poetry, brilliantly annotated and introduced by David M. Vieth, has been a classic work for decades. Rochester had many admirers: Graham Greene wrote Lord Rochester's Monkey; Daniel Defoe quoted him often; Tennyson recited his poems; Voltaire admired his satire for 'energy and fire'; Goethe could quote him in English; and Hazlitt said that 'his verses cut and sparkle like diamonds' and that 'his contempt for everything that others respect almost amounts to sublimity'. Book jacket. |
PREFACE | xiii |
Rochesters Poetry | xxxiii |
This Edition | xlii |
Rochester Studies 19251967 | lii |
PRENTICE WORK 16651671 | 10 |
To Her Sacred Majesty the Queen Mother on | 157 |
Song 3 | 171 |
Song 32 | 183 |
The Second Prologue at Court to The Empress | 189 |
A Satyr on Charles II 60 | 192 |
The Fall 86 | 198 |
A Satyr against Reason and Mankind 94 | 200 |
Upon Nothing 118 | 206 |
On Mrs Willis 137 | 211 |
INDEXES | 239 |
Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua
The Complete Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester John Wilmot Earl of Rochester Pratinjau terbatas - 2002 |
The Complete Poems of John Wilmot, the Earl of Rochester John Wilmot,Earl of Rochester Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2006 |
The Complete Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester John Wilmot,John Wilmot Earl of Rochester Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 1968 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
31 in Roches additional early texts Albert Museum Aphra Behn Ascribed to Rochester Attributed to Rochester AUTHORSHIP B. M. Add B. M. Harl Bodl Charles II charms Chest Chloris composition is unknown Court cunt date of composition Departures from copy-text Dorset Dryden Duchess Duke dull Dyce 43 Earl of Rochester Edinburgh edition English ester's exact date fools George Etherege Gylden Gyldenstolpe Harold Wilson Harvard Heading headnote heart honor John Wilmot King Lady lampoon late letter Library lines Literary Supplement London Times Literary Lord lyric Miscellany mistress Mulgrave ne'er Nell Gwyn night Osborn Poems on Affairs Poet Poetry Portland printed probably published in A-1680-HU Restoration Rochester in B-1691 Rochester's Rochester's poems satire Satyr scorn Scroope Signior Dildo Song sources descended stolpe strangury STREPHON swive texts consulted textual criticism thee thou Timon Uncertain variants verbal alteration verses Victoria and Albert whore written Yale