The Ethics and Practice of Applied Sport Psychology |
The Need for Psychological Theory | 17 |
Should We Administer Psychological Tests to Athletes? | 39 |
Focusing the Assessment Process | 62 |
Copyright | |
11 other sections not shown
Common terms and phrases
able alter American Psychological Association and/or anxiety asked aspirin assessment assume athlete athlete's attempt attentional abilities attentional and interpersonal attentional processes autogenic training become begin behavior behavior modification biofeedback centering changes chapter clinical clinical psychologist coach competition concentration correlation crisis cues deal decisions develop differences distractions dive diver dividuals effective emotional ethical example experience fact factors feedback feel function goal going gymnast he/she his/her hypnosis hypnotic hypnotist identify important improve increase indicate individuals injury involved level of self-esteem meditation muscle tension need for control Nideffer operationally overloaded pain performance person physical physiological positive practice predict presented pressure problems procedure professional progressive relaxation psychological techniques psychological tests Rational Emotive Therapy reduce referral relationship relevant response style result sensitive situations skills specific sport psychologist stressful suggestions systematic desensitization talk tendency test scores theory things thought tion treatment validity