The Ethics of Cyberspace

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SAGE, 23 nov. 2000 - 224 pagini
In this book, Cees J Hamelink proposes an answer to - how should democratic societies organize cyberspace? - that puts human-rights, rather than profit, at the top of the agenda. He argues that conventional ethical approaches are all seriously flawed. There is a growing volume of moral rules, netiquettes and codes of conduct, but they are of little help in solving the moral dilemmas raised by the new technologies. In this book the author analyzes the inadeqacies of current global governance policies and structures that underpin them, and argues for standards which put justice, human security and freedom first.



Prometheus In CyberSpace
Morality In CyberSpace
The Decent Society and CyberSpace
Equal Entitlement in CyberSpace
Digital Risks and Security in CyberSpace
Free Speech and Knowledge in CyberSpace
The Democratization of Technology Choice
Drept de autor

Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate

Termeni și expresii frecvente

Despre autor (2000)

Dr. Cees J. Hamelink is Emeritus Professor of International Communication at the University of Amsterdam. He is also currently Professor for Information Management at the University of Aruba, and Professor of Human Rights and Public Health at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. He is the editor-in-chief of the International Communication Gazette and Honorary President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). He is author of 17 monographs on communication, culture, and human rights. His latest book is a textbook on Global Communication (SAGE, 2015). Professor Hamelink received life-time achievements awards from various international organisations and has been consultant to many national governments and agencies in the UN system.

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