The Field Manual of Evolutions of the Line ... Being a Sequel to the Authorized U.S. Infantry Tactics. Translated, with Adaptation to the U.S. Service, from the Latest French AuthoritiesJ. B. Lippincott & Company, 1862 - 144 pages |
Common terms and phrases
1st Bat 1st Battalion 1st Line 3d Bat 3d battalion 4th Bat aide-de-camp aligned batta battalion in mass battalion of direction battalion places battalions will add break by company cause two markers centre change direction change of direction change of front close column closed in mass colonel will command Colors column at half column closed COMMANDS EXPLANATION COMMANDS THE COMMANDING deploy divi dressed echelons field music file-closers forward into line fourth battalion fourth division front into column front rank full distance Guide left Guide right half distance halt the line inverse commands left guides left in front left into line lieutenant-colonel line of battle lion in mass lumn mand march in retreat paces in rear pany pass the defile perpendicular POSTS Quick rear rank rection right flank right in front right into line right or left second battalion second line sion subdivision tance third battalion three paces twenty-four paces wheel