The Gay & Lesbian AtlasWhile the words "we are everywhere" can be frequently heard at gay and lesbian political events, The Gay and Lesbian Atlas provides the first empirical confirmation of this rallying cry. Drawing on the most recent data from the U.S. Census, this groundbreaking work offers a detailed geographic and demographic portrait of gay and lesbian families in all 50 states plus the top 25 U.S. metropolitan areas. These results, presented in more than 250 full-color maps and charts, will both confirm and challenge anecdotal information about the spatial distribution and demographic characteristics of this community. It is probably no surprise that San Francisco, Key West, and western Massachusetts all host large gay and lesbian populations, but it might surprise some that Houston, Texas, contains one of the ten "gayest" neighborhoods in the country, or that Alaska and New Mexico have high concentrations of gay and lesbian couples in their senior populations. The Atlas is a unique and important resource for the political and public policy communities, public health officials, social scientists, and anyone interested in gay and lesbian issues |
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1,360 communities nationwide 18 in Same-Sex 331 metro areas Ages of Same-Sex Children under Age Communities among 1,360 concentration County boundary concentration High concentration concentration Low concentration concentration Moderate concentration Concentration of Gay Concentration of Gay/Lesbian Concentration of Lesbian County boundary Water Couples by county Couples by tract couples rank Presence gay and lesbian Gay Lesbian rank Gay Male Couples Gay Male Index Gay/Lesbian Couples Gay/Lesbian Index Gay Gay/Lesbian-Supportive Laws Rank heterosexual high concentration High High concentration Moderate Hispanic Householder in Same-Sex Index Gay Male Index Lesbian Index Indices Gay/Lesbian Index lesbian couples Lesbian Index Rank Lesbian rank male Low concentration County Male Index Lesbian Male Index Rank male rank rank married couples metro areas nationwide Metropolitan Statistical Areas Moderate concentration Low nationwide with 50 Nonwhite PMSA Presence of Children Race/Ethnicity of Householder rank male rank same-sex couples Same-Sex Unmarried Partner Seniors 55 U.S. Census Bureau Unmarried Partner Households ZIP Code