The History of Charles the Twelfth: The First Three Books with a Double Translation, for the Use of Students on the Hamiltonian System, Bind 1Hunt & Clarke, 1827 |
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ambassador armée arms army at-last at-the autres avoient avoir avoit ayant bien c'étoit camp cardinal primate cavalry cents Charles Douze Charles the Twelfth Charles Twelve Comte conqueror contre Courland couronne Cracow crown Czar d'une Denmark deux diet diète Duke Emperor enemy états été étoient étoit eût faire fait général grand guerre Holstein Hoorn hundred Ingria jamais jour King Augustus King of Poland King of Sweden le Roi Leckzinsky liberty Lithuania Livonia lui-même maître master might-have mille hommes Muscovites n'avoit Narva of-it of-the King of-them of-which palatinate party Patkul Pologne Polonois primate prince qu'il avoit qu'on quatre quelques rendered Renschild rien Riga Roi Auguste Roi de Pologne Roi de Suède Russians Saxe Saxons Schulemburg seul soldats soldiers Stanislaus Stockholm Suédois sujets Swedish temps the-which thousand throne to-be to-give to-have to-him to-make to-the King to-the-near to-them tout troops troupes Varsovie victory Warsaw was-able was-necessary
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Side ii - First, let him teach the child chearfully and plainly the cause and matter of the letter; then, let him construe it into English, so oft as the child may easily carry away the understanding of it ; lastly, parse it over perfectly.
Side i - After the child hath learned perfitly the eight parts of speech, let him then learn the right joining together of substantives with adjectives, the noun with the verb, the relative with the antecedent.
Side ii - ... the child doubteth in nothing that his master taught him before. After this the child must take a paper book, and sitting in some place, where no man shall prompt him, by himself, let him translate into English his former lesson. Then showing it to his master, let the master take from him his Latin book, and pausing an hour at the least, then let the child translate his own English into Latin again in another paper book. When the child bringeth it turned into Latin, the master must compare it...
Side iii - And by these authorities and reasons am I moved to think this way of double translating, either only, or chiefly, to be fittest for the speedy and perfect attaining of any tongue. And for speedy attaining, I durst venture a good wager, if a scholar, in whom is aptness, love, diligence, and constancy, would but translate after this sort, one little book in Tully (as De Senectute, with two Epistles, the first, Ad Q.
Side ii - In these few lines I have wrapped up the most tedious part of grammar; and also the ground of almost all the rules that are so busily taught by the master, and so hardly learned by the scholar, in all common schools...
Side ii - ... used of him as a dictionary for every present use. This is a lively and perfect way of teaching of rules ; where the common way used in common schools, to read the grammar alone by itself, is tedious for the master, hard for the scholar, cold and uncomfortable for them both.
Side ii - I do wish,'' he afterwards remarks, in reference to the common books of exercises used at schools, '' that all rules for young scholars were shorter than they be. For without doubt, Grammatica itself is sooner and surer learned by examples of good authors than by the naked rules of grammarians.
Side ii - These faults, taking once root in youth, be nevei, or hardly plucked away in age. Moreover, there is no one thing that hath more either dulled the wits or taken away the will of children from learning, than the care they have to satisfy their masters in making of Latins.
Side ii - Here ye do well." For I assure you, there is no such whetstone to sharpen a good wit, and encourage a will to learning, as is praise.
Side iii - And a better and nearer example herein may be our most noble Queen Elizabeth, who never took yet Greek nor Latin grammar in her hand, after the first declining of a noun and a verb; but only by this double translating of Demosthenes and Isocrates daily, without missing every forenoon, and likewise some part of Tully every afternoon, for the space of a year or two, hath attained to such a perfect understanding in both the tongues, and to such a ready utterance of the Latin, and that with such a judgment,...