The Holy Gospel: A Comparison of the Gospel Text as it is Given in the Protestant and Roman Catholic Bible Versions in the English Language in Use in America |
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angels asked baptized Barabbas Beelzebub began begat behold Blessed bread brethren brother called Capernaum cast chief priests child Christ cometh commanded crucified David dead delivered devils disciples doth drink earth enter evil Father fear fruit Galilee garment gave give goeth hand hath healed hear heard heart Herod Holy Israel Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus said unto Jesus saith John Judæa Judas Iscariot king kingdom of God kingdom of heaven loaves Lord Mary Master Moses mother mount of Olives multitude parable pass passover Peter Phari Pharisees Pilate pray preach prophet publicans receive sabbath day Sadducees saith unto say unto scribes sent servant sick Sidon Simon sinners sons of Zebedee spake straightway synagogue taketh temple thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt took twelve unclean spirit unto thee Verily I say whosoever wife Woe unto word