The Intellectual Torch: Developing a Plan for the Universal Dissemination of Knowledge and Virtue by Means of Free Public Libraries

الغلاف الأمامي
Elm tree Press, 1912 - 43 من الصفحات

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 22 - Now, Brothers, figure to yourselves what condition this man must be in. He has a family at home; a wife and children, who stand in need of the profits of his hunting.—What must be their wants, when he himself is even without a shirt I
الصفحة 30 - casks. A respectable French gentleman having purchased an estate at Buffaloe (NY) on which was a distilling establishment, demolished it immediately on taking possession, saying he " had done one good deed." men of every class unite and besiege the general and state governments with petitions to limit the number of taverns ; to impose heavy duties upon ardent spirits,
الصفحة iv - its portals to all other nations but thee, and bids their sons drink freely of the cup of freedom and ' happiness;—but when thy unoffending, enslaved sons, clank their blood-smeared chains under its towers, it sneers at their calamity, and mocks their lamentations with the echo of contempt
الصفحة iv - he said. I found myself incapable of saying more, and was compelled to avert my eyes immediately from the heart-rending scene! " With these mournful spectra, flitting in succession before me, and the black procession still in view, the pleasant anticipations which I had been indulging but fifteen minutes previous, became totally reversed. Returning pensive toward my lodgings, and passing by the capitol, I
الصفحة 27 - habit in harvest, and in other seasons of uncommon and hard labor. The habit is * bad one, and may be easily broken. Let but half a dozen farmers combine in a neighborhood to allow higher wages to their laborers, &c."—DR. RUSH. The
الصفحة iv - poor Africa,—thy cup is the essence of bitterness! This solitary magnificent temple, dedicated to liberty,opens its portals to all other nations but thee, and bids their sons drink freely of the cup of freedom and
الصفحة 28 - from grievous sting of Bacchus' fatal dart, Be preserv'd : — defend yourself with all your art! But it is almost as useless to expostulate with veterans in the ranks of Bacchus, as with those who are confident that they are under the power of witchcraft. This fact is well illustrated by the reply of a boozy
الصفحة 17 - The President, or in his absence the Librarian and three others of the committee, shall form a board competent to transact all business of the Society; or in the absence of the President and 'Librarian, four of the committee, who shall choose a chairman for the present meeting.
الصفحة 17 - It shall be the office of the Secretary to write a record of the proceedings and resolutions of the Society. And as this association is formed with a view to diffuse useful knowledge, and promote virtue as extensively as possible, the Secretary shall exhibit on the meeting house of New Lebanon, once in every six months, an advertisement, inviting all the youth of New Lebanon,
الصفحة 17 - duty of the President to preside at the meetings and superintend the concerns of the Society; and to give advice as to the purchase of suitable books, &c.

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