The Law Quarterly Review, Volume 42Frederick Pollock Stevens and Sons, 1926 - Law |
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action Amendment appears appointed avoué Bill Calendar Patent Rolls century chapter Chinese claim common law Constitution contract Conveyancing Court Crown damage dealing decision Deemsters defendant droit duty edition Edward Edward II English law evidence exemption fact Government granted Henry Henry VI Holdsworth Ibid interest International Law judges judgment jurisdiction Justice King King's land law Land Transfer Law of Property lawyers legal history legislation letters patent liability London Lord maritime matter ment mortgage nations negligence owner parties patent person plaintiff practice present principle Professor Property Act question Real Property reason reference reform registration res nullius Rolls of Parliament Roman law Roman-Dutch law rule Settled Land Settled Land Act settlement sheriff ship Solicitors statute Sweet & Maxwell tenant tion tort treasure-trove trespass tribunal trustees volume writ
Popular passages
Page 13 - The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.
Page 347 - Act was passed in the session of 1878, which, after a preamble reciting that " the rightful jurisdiction of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors extends and has always extended over the open seas adjacent to the coasts of the United Kingdom, and of all other parts of Her Majesty's dominions to such a distance as is necessary for the defence and security of such dominions...
Page 14 - In this case sentences of twenty years imprisonment have been imposed for the publishing of two leaflets that I believe the defendants had as much right to publish as the Government has to publish the Constitution of the United States now vainly invoked by them..
Page 14 - The only difference between the expression of an opinion and an incitement in the narrower sense is the speaker's enthusiasm for the result. Eloquence may set fire to reason. But whatever may be thought of the redundant discourse before us, it had no chance of starting a present conflagration. If, in the long run, the beliefs expressed in proletarian dictatorship are destined to be accepted by the dominant forces of the community, the only meaning of free speech is that they should be given their...
Page 485 - If disputes take place of such a nature that the Consul cannot arrange them amicably, then he shall request the assistance of the Japanese authorities, that they may together examine into the merits of the case, and decide it equitably.
Page 13 - The state cannot reasonably be required to measure the danger from every such utterance in the nice balance of a jeweler's scale. A single revolutionary spark may kindle a fire that, smouldering for a time may burst into a sweeping and destructive conflagration.
Page 486 - China, namely, that the case is tried by the official of the defendant's nationality, the official of the plaintiff's nationality merely attending to watch the proceedings in the interest of justice.
Page 481 - Regarding the punishment of English criminals, the English Government will enact the laws necessary to attain that end, and the Consul will be empowered to put them in force ; and regarding the punishment of Chinese criminals, these will be tried and punished by their own laws, in the way provided for by the correspondence which took place at Nanking, after the concluding of the peace.
Page 481 - A British subject having reason to complain of a Japanese must proceed to the Consulate and state his grievance. The Consul will inquire into the merits of the case, and do his utmost to arrange it amicably.
Page 14 - If what I think the correct test is applied, it is manifest that there was no present danger of an attempt to overthrow the government by force on the part of the admittedly small minority who shared the defendant's views. It is said that this Manifesto was more than a theory, that it was an incitement. Every idea is an incitement. It offers itself for belief, and, if believed, it is acted on unless some other belief outweighs it, or some failure of energy stifles the movement at its birth.