The Mabinogion: From the Welsh of the Llyfr Coch O Hergest (The Red Book of Hergest) in the Library of Jesus College, OxfordBernard Quaritch, 1877 - 504 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
answered Arch armour arms arose Arthur Arthur's Court asked bards battle behold Bendigeid Vran Blodeuwedd Branwen Caer called Cantrevs Caradawc castle Caswallawn cauldron cause chief chieftain counsel Countess daughter dogs dost Dyved Earl Elphin emperor Enid Erbin Geraint Geraint ab Erbin gladly gold Gwalchmai Gwawl Gwenhwyvar Gwyddno Gwyddno Garanhir Gwydion hall head heard honour horse host household Iddawc Ireland Island of Britain journey Kilhwch king knight Kynon lady lance land Llew Llew Llaw Gyffes Lludd Llyr Lord Mabinogi Mabinogion maiden Manawyddan Matholwch meat mountain never Nudd Owain palace Peredur poem possessions Prince Pryderi Pwyll Rhiannon Rhonabwy river Romance satin slain slay slew stag sword tale Taliesin thereupon thou art thou didst thou hast thou mayest think thou shalt thou wilt took Triads Trystan Twrch Trwyth unto thee Urien Urien Rheged Verily Wales warriors Welsh wife yonder youth
Popular passages
Page 480 - I was with my Lord in the highest sphere, On the fall of Lucifer into the depth of hell: I have borne a banner before Alexander; I know the names of the stars from north to south...
Page 217 - ... swifter than the fall of the dewdrop from the blade of reed-grass upon the earth when the de-w of June is at the heaviest.
Page 61 - And by his side a naked swerd hanging: And up he rideth to the highe bord. In all the halle ne was ther spoke a word, For mervaille of this knight; him to behold Ful besily they waiten yong and old.
Page 239 - It will be easy for me to compass this, although thou mayest think it will not be easy.
Page 153 - And thereupon we encountered each other, and he left me, lady, as thou seest." "Sir," said she, "when thinkest thou that Geraint will be here?" "To-morrow, lady, I think he will be here with the maiden." Then Arthur came to him ; and he saluted Arthur. And Arthur gazed a long time upon him, and was amazed to see him thus. And, thinking that he knew him, he inquired of him, " Art thou Edeyrn the son of Nudd ? " "I am, lord," said he, "and I have met with much trouble, and received wounds insupportable."...
Page 405 - I will not let it go free, by Heaven," said he, " I caught it robbing me, and the doom of a thief will I inflict upon it, and I will hang it." " Lord," said he, " rather than see a man of rank equal to thine at such a work as this, I would give thee a pound which I have received as alms, to let the reptile go forth free.
Page 424 - So they took the blossoms of the oak, and the blossoms of the broom, and the blossoms of the meadow-sweet, and produced from them a maiden, the fairest and most graceful that man ever saw. And they baptized her, and gave her the name of Flower-Aspect.
Page 207 - Suger, however, a century before, had adorned his great work, the Abbey of St. Denis, with windows, not only glazed but painted; and, I presume that other churches of the same class, both in France and England, especially after the lancet-shaped window had yielded to one of ampler dimensions, were generally decorated in a similar manner. Yet glass is said not to have been employed 136 HOUSES ETC.
Page 344 - And the next day they amused themselves until it was time to go to meat. And when meat was ended, Pwyll said, " Where are the hosts that went yesterday and the day before to the top of the mound?" "Behold, Lord, we are here," said they. "Let us go," said he, "to the mound, to sit there. And do thou," said he to the page who tended his horse, " saddle my horse well, and hasten with him to the road, and bring also my spurs with thee." And the youth did thus. And they went and sat upon the mound ; and...
Page 243 - I will give thee my prisoner, though I had not thought to give him up to any one; and therewith shalt thou have my support and my aid." His followers said unto Arthur, "Lord, go thou home, thou canst not proceed with thy host in quest of such small adventures as these.