The Making of a Serial Killer: The Real Story of the Gainesville Student Murders in the Killer's Own Words

Front Cover
Feral House, 1996 - True Crime - 201 pages
The book you are holding tells its story from the vantage point of murdere Danny Rolling and his current love interest, sondra London. Teh five Gainesville, Florida murders Rolling committed in 1990 caused hundreds of students to flee a college campus in terror.

The author and killer admit committing horrendous crimes, but blames them on demonic entities possessing his body. Rolling wrote about these demons in a way that convinced the author of the Introduction, Colin Wilson, an expert on occultism and crime, that Rolling was dealing with something greater than a mere nightmare: "'I was resting on my iron bunk when this thing that appeared like a gargoyle pounced on my chest, pinning me to the mattress. It had both claws pressing against my shoulders."

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